Summer Activities to Lower Your Blood Pressure

July 5, 2022
Smiling active senior couple having fun together in the park

Summer is officially here, and that means it’s time to get up and soak in some fun in the sun before fall rolls around again. With the temperatures outside warming up, opportunities to get active outdoors are seemingly endless. But if your health—your heart health, in particular—is at the top of your list of concerns all year long, you might want to consider the benefits of a few specific activities when it comes to lowering your blood pressure.

So, when you’re ready to enjoy all that the season of longer days and sunny weather has to offer, try some of these summer activities to help lower your blood pressure while you’re at it:

1. Cool Off & Go for a Swim

Make a splash this summer and improve your heart health while you’re at it with this summer activity. Living in a location that isn’t so pool-friendly for most of the year is the perfect excuse to go for a swim during the summer, whether you go for a solo swim or grab the whole family for a trip. Not only is swimming a great way to keep cool in hot weather, but it’s also a low-impact exercise that’s great for everyone—especially those looking for activities that can help lower blood pressure.

2. Bike to Work

No one wants to brave the rain and snow on their way to work, but especially not on a bike that leaves them exposed to the elements the whole way there. So, make the most of your commute by choosing to bike to work instead of drive. Riding a bike is an excellent form of exercise that’s known for its blood pressure-reducing benefits, and the reduced stress of not getting stuck in rush hour traffic can add to those benefits as well.

3. Attend an Outdoor Concert

Music can help you relax, which in turn can help lower your blood pressure. Outdoor venues tend to pop up over summer, so try to attend some sort of local festival or concert while you can. Not only will this summer activity help you unwind, but it can also make you happier—and happiness has a direct impact on heart health. Reduce your cortisol levels and enjoy some good tunes while you’re at it this summer.

4. Have a Heart-Healthy Picnic

Pack up some summer salads, sandwiches, and other healthy snacks, then grab your group and head to a local park, beach, or other outdoor space for a picnic. A healthy diet is one of the best ways to reduce blood pressure, as is surrounding yourself with loved ones and creating happy memories that can help lower your stress levels. Plus, your stroll to find the perfect picnic spot will add to your daily step count, and walking is another summer-friendly activity that can also help your blood pressure and become a good healthy habit.

For More Information On Lowering Your Blood Pressure, Turn to PhysicianOne Urgent Care

Lowering your blood pressure through enjoying some of the summer activities listed above is all about having fun, but sometimes a bit of extra help is needed to get you back on track. If you would like more information about how to lower your blood pressure or need non-emergency medical services for a related condition, PhysicianOne Urgent Care is here to help. We operate a network of immediate care centers serving patients in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New York, and we’ll be happy to answer all your questions and provide you with helpful guidance. Call us today at 860-650-3848, schedule an appointment online, or simply walk into any of our locations to get the care you need.

Mother and daughter happy at the beach
Throughout the visit I felt like the staff really cared. The doctor took his time talking with me about my symptoms, and I felt like he listened to all my concerns and took that into consideration when recommending the right treatment. Thank you!
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