Spring Asthma Tips

May 1, 2018

Most people look forward to warmer weather – sometimes even more so if they live in regions that see especially cold temperatures during the winter. For people with asthma, however, springtime brings allergens, which can promote airway inflammation and worsen underlying symptoms. If your asthma tends to flare up during the spring, PhysicianOne Urgent Care is here to help! Check out some of our tips:

  • Replace carpeting. Pollen and dust can accumulate in dense carpet. You could replace your carpet with linoleum, tile or hardwood floors, but If you can't afford this type of expense, be sure to vacuum regularly using a HEPA filter.
  • Keep your pets outside the bedroom. During the spring, animals begin to shed. Even if you have a short-haired cat or dog, it will still gather pollen on its fur and leave pet dander on your floor or bedding.
  • Avoid peak pollen times. Keep track of pollen counts and stay indoors when they get too high. You can also close your windows and limit outdoor acitvities on especially windy days.
  • Change your clothes. If you've spent some time outside, consider changing your clothing once you go inside. This is a good way to keep from spreading allergens throughout your home.
  • Shower before bedtime. If you’ve spent time outside during peak pollen season and go to bed without showering, you may spread allergens to your pillows, sheets and bedding.
  • Don't dry your laundry outdoors. If you have a habit of drying your clothes outside on a clothesline, avoid this until peak pollen season has ended.
  • Use air conditioning. Instead of opening your windows to cool off, run your air conditioner. You should also set your unit to recirculate, so it doesn’t suck in air from outside.

When to Seek Emergency Help
For certain people, spring allergies seriously worsen asthma, leaving them incapable of meeting day-to-day tasks. In certain instances, an asthma attack can be serious enough to warrant a trip to the emergency room. If you experience any of the following, you should visit the ER right away:

  • Your lips or fingernails turn blue
  • You have an especially rapid pulse
  • Your rescue medication does not relieve symptoms
  • You experience extreme difficulty walking, breathing or talking
  • Your nostrils flare as you breathe

When to Visit PhysicianOne Urgent Care
At PhysicianOne Urgent Care, we tend to see a large jump in asthma-related visits during the spring season. We can identify if you are experiencing something more serious than allergies and help alleviate symptoms. Contact us at 1.855.349.2828 or visit the PhysicianOne Urgent Care nearest you.

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