When & Where to Seek Fever Treatment in Chestnut Hill, MA

Fever Chestnut Hill MA

Do you have fever symptoms, such as chills, sweating, and body aches? A fever is a temporary rise in your body temperature, which is usually a sign that your immune system is battling an infection or illness like the common cold or flu. A normal body temperature ranges from 97°F to 99°F, so anything above that is considered a fever.

Do You Need to See a Doctor?

Unless your body temperature exceeds 103°F—in which case you should seek emergency medical attention—your fever is probably not a cause for concern. More likely, it’s a sign that your immune system is doing its job. You can do your part by resting and staying well hydrated. A mild fever should resolve on its own within a few hours. If yours lasts longer than two days or you are feeling very uncomfortable, you should see a medical provider. You are welcome to come to PhysicianOne Urgent Care in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, for fever treatment.

Our friendly medical team will discuss your health history and symptoms and perform a physical exam. If necessary to help us determine the cause of your fever, we may order a blood test or chest X-ray, which can be performed on site. We may prescribe a course of antibiotics, but only if your fever is due to a bacterial infection (antibiotic treatment is ineffective for viral infections). Either way, we will suggest steps you can take to help you feel better as you recover.

Could It Be COVID-19?

As you are probably aware, a mild fever is a common symptom of the novel coronavirus. If you think you may have been exposed to COVID-19 and you experience a fever, your best bet is to request a Virtual Visit. During your remote consultation, we will expertly screen you for COVID-19 while you remain safely and comfortably at home. We’ll also let you know if we think you should come to our urgent care center for a COVID-19 test.

The PhysicianOne Urgent Care team in Chestnut Hill is available every day to provide fever treatment and meet all of your other non-emergency health care needs. Stop by or contact us today to learn more.

Mother and daughter happy at the beach
Throughout the visit I felt like the staff really cared. The doctor took his time talking with me about my symptoms, and I felt like he listened to all my concerns and took that into consideration when recommending the right treatment. Thank you!
Hamden, CT
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