Minor Fracture Treatment for Patients in Orange, CT
If you suspect that you or a family member has sustained a broken bone, it’s important to seek medical attention right away. At PhysicianOne Urgent Care, we can save you a trip to the emergency room for less serious breaks—we offer X-rays and minor fracture treatment 365 days per year at our Orange, Connecticut, location. We welcome walk-ins and deliver fast, friendly, and professional care to patients of all ages.
When to Seek Urgent Care for Broken Bones
Call 911 or head straight to the nearest ER for open/compound fractures (where there is an open wound and visible bone at the site of the break), uncontrollable bleeding, loss of consciousness, suspected head/neck/spine fractures, or extremely intense pain. For less serious, non-life-threatening fractures, PhysicianOne Urgent Care is here to help.
It can sometimes be difficult to tell if you’ve fractured a bone or merely strained, sprained, or bruised something. While we use X-rays to determine for sure whether there’s a fracture, here are some signs that may indicate that you’ve broken a bone:
- A snapping or grinding noise as the injury happens
- A visible deformity
- Pain directly above the bone (as opposed to in soft tissue)
- Tenderness, bruising, and swelling around the injured area
- Numbness or tingling in the injured area
- Inability to move the injured area or put weight on it
Visit PhysicianOne Urgent Care for Minor Broken Bone Treatment
Our expert providers will determine whether you’ve fractured a bone and provide treatment accordingly. You can walk into PhysicianOne Urgent Care in Orange anytime during our extended operating hours any day of the year, reserve your spot in line ahead of time with our online booking function, or talk to a local provider 24/7 via our integrated telehealth services.