Allergy Treatment Available to Patients at Our Stratford, CT, Urgent Care Center

Picture of a woman sneezing while sitting on the ground next to a bicycle.

Itching, hives, nasal congestion—you’ve got it all. Whether you’re experiencing seasonal allergies or another type of allergic reaction, you can turn to PhysicianOne Urgent Care. We’ve been treating patients since 2008, and we’re pleased to offer walk-in allergy treatment at our immediate care center in Stratford, Connecticut.

What Kind of Allergies Do You Have?

When your immune system mistakenly identifies an external substance (an allergen) as being harmful, it will attempt to fight it off. This is what’s known as an allergic reaction. The type of allergies you’re experiencing will depend on the allergen responsible for your reaction. Some common forms include:

  • Seasonal allergies – Pollen is often the culprit during allergy season. This might come in the form of tree pollen in the spring, grass pollen in the summer, or ragweed pollen in the fall.
  • Environmental allergies – Certain substances around you can trigger an allergic reaction. For example, many people are sensitive to dust mites, mold, and pet dander.
  • Food allergies – People can be allergic to certain types of food, including wheat, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, fish, and shellfish.
  • Medication allergies – Although any type of medication can cause an allergic reaction, penicillin is one of the most common triggers.

Walk-In Allergic Reaction Treatment

If you need professional medical care for an allergic reaction and your primary care provider doesn’t have any appointments available, what are you to do? Luckily, if you’re in Stratford or the surrounding area, you can rely on PhysicianOne Urgent Care for treatment of your allergy symptoms. Our local immediate care center is open 365 days per year and offers allergy treatment on a walk-in basis, so there’s no need to schedule an appointment. You’ll find us at 1040 Barnum Avenue.

Simply stop into PhysicianOne Urgent Care whenever it’s most convenient for you, and we’ll supply you with the prompt care you deserve (we also have an online check-in option for patients who need to expedite their visits). Or, if you’re not feeling up to an in-person visit, we invite you to book a Virtual Visit with one of our experienced providers.

Son kissing mother
I wanted to take a moment to thank you for the attention you gave me last week. My son was started on antibiotics and ear drops. Within 24 hours he began to feel better. The poor kid had been going to school in tears because he was afraid of missing any more days, but feeling (and looking) just awful! He's not been able to even think about lacrosse practice, but thanks to starting him on antibiotics, he was thrilled to return to practice today.
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