How to Tell if You Have Lyme Disease?

April 6, 2018
lyme disesase

Over the past few years, Lyme disease has become a growing problem in the northeastern part of the United States. To protect yourself and your family, it's important to know the risks and symptoms of this serious infection.

What Causes Lyme Disease?

Caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, Lyme disease is passed to humans from the bite of infected black-legged ticks. Typically no larger than a small seed, these ticks tend to climb plants and grass, where they wait for a host. Once an animal or human passes by, the tick affixes itself to the host, so it can draw blood for nourishment. As it does, an infected tick may then transmit Borrelia burgdorferi into the host's bloodstream.

You can reduce your risk of getting Lyme disease by using insect repellant and wearing long sleeves and long pants tucked into socks when walking through wooded areas. That said, sometimes even the best precautions aren’t enough to prevent tick bites.

What are the symptoms of Lyme Disease?

Lyme disease causes several telltale symptoms, including headache, fatigue, fever, and joint pain. When treatment is sought at PhysicianOne Urgent Care and antibiotic medications are administered in a timely fashion, people tend to get better without complications. When treatments are delayed, however, a person can suffer serious health problems, including irregular heartbeat, severe muscle pain, single joint pain and swelling, memory loss, paralysis, cognitive issues, and weakness of the facial muscles.

When should you get treatment?

If you experience any signs of Lyme disease, you should seek an evaluation as soon as possible, especially if you've recently found a tick on your body. For patients who believe they may have Lyme disease, PhysicianOne Urgent Care offers the following comprehensive services:

  • Tick removal
  • On-site lab services
  • Rash assessment
  • Tetanus boosters
  • IV and injectable medications
  • IV fluid administration

Find your nearest local PhysicianOne Urgent Care facility across New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. Book an appointment online, or walk in for the next available time slot.

Father and Daughter Having Fun
I had to take my son in for an ear infection following a sudden change in temperament at daycare. He was inconsolable the entire car ride but when we got there and by the time we left this care facility he was back to his normal happy go lucky little two year old boy. I highly recommend PhysicianOne Urgent Care.
Westwood, MA
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