Halloween Safety Tips

October 31, 2017
Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween is a magical time for children. Unfortunately, it is also fraught with serious dangers that can have life-long consequences. To make sure your child enjoys a safe, healthy holiday, consider the following tips for safer trick or treating.
Safety Tips for Trick or Treating

  • Be sure to cross every street at the corners, using crosswalks and traffic lights.
  • Before crossing, look left first, then right, and the left again.
  • Do not wear earbuds or look at your smartphone while walking.
  • Walk on the most direct routes with the fewest street crossings.
  • Always use paths or sidewalks, when they are available. If none are present, walk on the side of the street facing oncoming traffic.
  • Keep an eye out for turning vehicles or cars backing out of driveways.
  • Teach kids never to dart between parked cars or out into roadways.
  • Adults should accompany all children under the age of 12.
  • Avoid unfamiliar areas or neighborhoods that are not well lit.
  • Trick or treat in groups if possible.
  • Teach kids to make eye contact with drivers before attempting to cross in front of running vehicles.

Costume Safety Tips

  • Try to choose costumes that stand out. If a costume is especially dark, carry a bright, reflective bucket or bag for treats.
  • Make sure masks do not obstruct a child's vision, and avoid baggy costumes that might cause kids to trip.
  • Have children carry a flashlight or glow stick in case they need light.

Driving Tips for Halloween

  • Drive slowly and stay alert while moving through residential neighborhoods.
  • Expect children to behave in unpredictable ways when trick or treating.
  • Take an extra moment to ensure that medians, curbs and intersections are clear.
  • Carefully enter and exit alleys and driveways, watching closely for passing kids.
  • Eliminate distractions from inside your vehicle.
  • Be alert during popular trick-or-treating hours, between 5:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.

Checking Candy

  • Do not allow children to snack on candy while trick or treating.
  • Examine every treat, looking for potential signs or tampering.
  • Look for potential choking hazards and remove these from the remaining candy.
  • If your child has a peanut allergy, carefully inspect the ingredients of all candy.
  • Try to apportion your child's treats for the days or weeks following Halloween.
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