Best Products to Combat Winter Skin

March 14, 2016
Products to Combat Dry Winter Skin

Winter can be harsh on the skin, thanks to freezing temperatures and low humidity which promote dryness, itching and stinging. Fortunately, you can find significant relief by using specific products that improve the look and feel of winter skin.
Humidifiers: Home heating units sap moisture from the air, leaving your skin dry and itchy. A humidifier solves this problem by reintroducing moisture, so your skin and hair can stay wetter.
Oil-based moisturizers: Heavy creams and ointments preserve moisture better by sealing water inside the skin when the humidity is low. Before choosing a specific brand of moisturizer, make sure it has an oil base.
Sunscreen: Although its intensity lessens during the winter months, the sun can still wreak havoc on your skin. Besides making your skin drier, UV rays can cause premature aging, wrinkles and skin cancer. Before heading outdoors, apply a broad-spectrum, moisturizing sunscreen with a minimum SPF 30.
Other Ways to Avoid Dry Skin
Because frequent bathing can strip vital oils from the skin, try limiting your baths or showers to a maximum of ten minutes. Avoid alcohol-based perfumed soaps, antibacterial soaps and deodorant bars. You can also limit winter skin problems by patting yourself dry with a soft towel.
When it comes to applying moisturizer, timing and conditions make a big difference. Try applying your moisturizer immediately after showering, while your skin is still damp. You can also leave the bathroom door closed when applying lotion to trap in humidity from the shower or bath.
If you've tried all the above tips and are still experiencing painful or flaky winter skin, see your healthcare provider. There are a number of prescription ointments available for the lips and skin. Your doctor can help determine whether one of these might be right for you.

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