Benefits of Quitting Caffeine

May 20, 2015
Quitting Caffeine | Physician One

Popular worldwide, caffeinated beverages are generally accepted as safe in moderation. That said, there are some very real benefits associated with quitting. If you've become reliant on coffee or energy drinks to get through the day, learn why you should think about ditching your habit.
The Bad Side of Caffeine
While many people regard it as harmless, caffeine can take a toll on our bodies by forcing them to remain at heightened states for long periods of time. Ultimately, this can lead to exhaustion related to increased cortisol levels and sleep difficulties. By quitting or limiting your caffeine consumption you can enjoy improved quality of life related to:

  • Breaking the Addition: Many people grow dependent on caffeine to stay awake. By quitting, you can return to a normal state of alertness and improve energy levels.
  • Financial Savings: Modern specialty coffee drinks can take a big bite out of your monthly budget.
  • Lower Blood Pressure: Quitting caffeine can lower your blood pressure and take pressure off of your heart.
  • Improved Sleep: Because it has a relatively long half-life, caffeine can negatively impact sleep long after you've consumed it.
  • Decreased Anxiety: By stimulating the adrenal glands, caffeine can trigger your fight or flight system and promote anxiety.
  • Fewer Headaches: While caffeine can sometimes reduce the severity of headaches, it's also known to cause them.
  • Fewer Bathroom Breaks: Because it's a diuretic, caffeine can stimulate your need to go. It can also promote dehydration by increasing your need to urinate.
  • A Whiter Smile: Eliminating coffee results in whiter and healthier teeth, while fewer energy drinks reduce the risk of tooth decay.
  • Weight Loss: Sugary caffeinated beverages contain huge amounts of calories that can expand your waistline.
  • No More Jitters: For some people, caffeine can result in debilitating panic attacks.
  • Better Health: While black coffee contains antioxidants that may improve health, sugary caffeinated beverages can increase the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Quit Caffeine the Right Way
Although there are some big positives to quitting caffeine, the process can be unpleasant. When they try to quit cold turkey, many people experience a range of negative symptoms, including depression, insomnia, headaches and irritability. To minimize these symptoms, wean yourself off the substance by consuming less and less over time.

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