The Latest Treatments for Alzheimer's Disease

August 11, 2016
Latest Alzheimers Treatment

Scientists have been hard at work researching potential cures for Alzheimer’s disease. Sadly, of the 244 drugs tested on people over the past decade, only one has gained FDA approval. With that said, a new generation of potential new Alzheimer's treatments appears to be ready for testing with some holding very real promise in the eyes of experts.
What's in the Pipeline?
Currently, there are only five approved medications for Alzheimer’s disease. That may change very soon, however, if the following medications hold up to scrutiny.
Candesartan: Decades ago, researchers began noticing that people with high blood pressure appeared to have a higher risk of developing dementia. They also noticed when high blood pressure was controlled with medications like candesartan, patients tended to stay mentally sharper. New research plans to analyze candesartan's effects to determine if it might be a viable Alzheimer's treatment.
Benfotiamine: A form of vitamin B1, benfotiamine could potentially slow mental decline by helping the brain utilize blood sugar more effectively. This coincides with a theory that Alzheimer’s might occur when the brain loses its ability to efficiently use blood sugar. The diabetes treatment, Intranasal insulin is also being tested as a potential Alzheimer's treatment.
Levetiracetam: Some researchers believe this medication could reduce seizures and overactive electrical activity in the brain, which can contribute to memory problems and cognitive impairment.
Cromoglicic acid/ibuprofen: This drug combination could potentially improve Alzheimer's symptoms by reducing brain inflammation.
Other Potential Drugs
In recent years, scientists have made breakthroughs with drugs that could promote the growth and survival of nerve cells. Another experimental drug, dubbed solanezumab, appears to slow the progression of Alzheimer's by carrying beta-amyloid out of the brain.
Scientists are also hard at work researching medications that could help prevent Alzheimer’s in high-risk patients. That said, this research is in its infancy and results aren't expected for some time.
What About an Alzheimer's Cure?
Alzheimer's disease is a very complex condition that remains mysterious in many ways. Right now, the vast majority of research is focused on treatments that reduce symptoms. Most experts believe it is unlikely that any one single medication will be able to cure Alzheimer's any time soon. That said, many believe a combination of therapies may one day be used to drastically reduce symptoms and allow patients to enjoy relatively normal lives even while living with the disease.

Son kissing mother
I wanted to take a moment to thank you for the attention you gave me last week. My son was started on antibiotics and ear drops. Within 24 hours he began to feel better. The poor kid had been going to school in tears because he was afraid of missing any more days, but feeling (and looking) just awful! He's not been able to even think about lacrosse practice, but thanks to starting him on antibiotics, he was thrilled to return to practice today.
Somers, NY
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