Minor Burn Treatment Experts Serving Patients in Waterbury, CT

Picture of a woman with gauze covering a minor burn on her left hand.

Have you sustained a burn? If you’re concerned that it might be a third- or fourth-degree burn (often characterized by deep red, brown, white, black, charred, or leathery skin, and sometimes accompanied by numbness), you should seek emergency care as soon as possible. Otherwise, turn to PhysicianOne Urgent Care. Our Waterbury, Connecticut, immediate care center offers minor burn treatment for first- and second-degree burns, all without the need for an appointment.

How Long Does It Take for a Minor Burn to Heal?

Healing time will vary depending on the severity of your burn—first-degree burns (ones affecting the top layer of skin and causing pain and redness) typically resolve within three to six days, while second-degree burns (ones affecting the top two layers of skin and also causing swelling and blistering) usually heal within two to three weeks. It may take longer for any resulting scarring to fade.

To help speed up the healing process, you should care for your burn at home by:

  • Running cool water over it (avoid using cold water and ice)
  • Keeping it clean
  • Monitoring it for signs of infection (for example, fever and discharge)
  • Taking pain medication
  • Applying aloe vera gel (for sunburns)
  • Applying antibiotic cream and loosely covering it with gauze (for thermal burns)

If your symptoms don’t show any sign of improvement within 48 hours, you should consult with a medical provider. You should also seek professional care for a minor burn if it’s wider than 3 inches, causes severe pain, develops into an infection, or affects your face, hands, genitalia, buttocks, feet, or a major joint.

Visit Us Today for Burn Care Services

Stop into PhysicianOne Urgent Care whenever it’s most convenient for you—our Waterbury office (located at 920 Wolcott Street) offers minor burn treatment every day of the year during extended hours. You can also schedule a 24/7 telemedicine appointment online or speak to a team member by calling 860-650-3848.

Mother and daughter happy at the beach
Throughout the visit I felt like the staff really cared. The doctor took his time talking with me about my symptoms, and I felt like he listened to all my concerns and took that into consideration when recommending the right treatment. Thank you!
Hamden, CT
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