Eye Infection Treatment From an Urgent Care Center in Norwich, CT

Man sitting at desk with eye pain

You may be surprised to learn that eye infections are incredibly common. In fact, the Cleveland Clinic says that pink eye (conjunctivitis) affects 3 to 6 million people in the United States every year. If you live in the Norwich, Connecticut, area and suspect you may have an eye infection, timely treatment from experienced clinicians is available at PhysicianOne Urgent Care.

An affiliate of Yale New Haven Health, PhysicianOne Urgent Care offers thoughtfully coordinated treatment to adults and children with non-life-threatening health concerns such as pink eye. Treatment for eye infections is available during extended hours 365 days per year, and patients can chat with our experts anytime through our Virtual Visits that are accessible 24/7.

What Are the Symptoms of Pink Eye?

Eyes can become irritated from all sorts of factors, so how can you be sure that you have an eye infection like pink eye? There are a few tell-tale symptoms of pink eye that you should watch for in one or both eyes, including:

  • Redness and/or itchiness
  • A gritty sensation
  • Eye discharge that forms a crust overnight
  • Increased tear production
  • Burning and discomfort
  • A feeling that something is stuck

It’s important to seek treatment for an eye infection, especially if symptoms worsen, cause disruptive pain, or impact vision. And for prompt, easily accessible medical attention in Norwich, you can turn to PhysicianOne Urgent Care. Connect with us in person or online today! We accept most health insurance plans and are here to answer any questions you may have—just give us a call at 1-860-650-3848.

Son kissing mother
I wanted to take a moment to thank you for the attention you gave me last week. My son was started on antibiotics and ear drops. Within 24 hours he began to feel better. The poor kid had been going to school in tears because he was afraid of missing any more days, but feeling (and looking) just awful! He's not been able to even think about lacrosse practice, but thanks to starting him on antibiotics, he was thrilled to return to practice today.
Somers, NY
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