Hiking Safety Tips

August 28, 2014

Day Hiking Safety Tips

Day hiking is a popular and healthy activity enjoyed by many. Avoid the possible pitfalls of injury and getting lost by planning ahead and being prepared.
Before Your Trip

  • Never hike alone
  • Dress in weather-appropriate layers
  • Study a map of the area including road routes and water sources
  • Choose trails appropriate for your fitness level
  • Plan how long the hike will take – leave plenty of time between when you anticipate the hike finishing and sunset
  • Share your planned destination and return time with a friend or relative
  • Pack a backpack with the following essentials:
  • energy snacks, fresh water, water purifying tablets
  • first-aid kit, bug spray, sunscreen
  • flashlight with fresh batteries, compass, trail map, rain gear, a fully charged cell phone
  • tarp, twine, jackknife (to make a shelter if needed)

During Your Trip

  • Take regular water and food breaks
  • Rest periodically – accidents are more likely to happen when fatigued
  • Stay on marked trails
  • Take your time on slippery or steep terrain
  • Keep a safe distance away from any wild animals encountered
  • Avoid contact with poisonous plants

After Your Trip

  • Inform the contact person you chose prior to your hike that you have returned
  • Check for ticks
  • Take a hot shower for tired muscles
  • Recharge with a meal and plenty of rest
  • Continue to drink water to rehydrate
Father and Daughter Having Fun
I had to take my son in for an ear infection following a sudden change in temperament at daycare. He was inconsolable the entire car ride but when we got there and by the time we left this care facility he was back to his normal happy go lucky little two year old boy. I highly recommend PhysicianOne Urgent Care.
Westwood, MA
  • 5.0
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